International Space Centre UK |
Holiday dates 3rd July to 7th July 2017 |
Holidaying are: Jeff and Nick along with Kirstine. |
Monday 3rd July
We all met up at the Hotel, found our rooms and sorted ourselves out
before going out to dinner. We drove to town and found a Gourmet Burger
Kitchen, they were having their opening night! We had a lovely meal
there and then headed back to the hotel feeling tired from travelling
that day. |
Tuesday 4th July
After breakfast, we got our things together and headed out to the
National Space Centre. Nick said "Wow", as soon as the doors
opened.There was lots to see and do. We looked around the 'Into Space'
section and saw amazing space suits along with space toilets! We watched
'we are stars' in the Patrick Moore planetarium, it was amazing. We also
checked out the rocket tower and saw a peice of the moon. Later, in the
evening we went out to dinner at the Harvester and we were all tired
from the days activities. |
Wednesday 5th July
Today was a lovely sunny day and we chose to visit a Tropical Birdland.
We loved it and got to hold some of the birds. Nick loved the hyacinth
Macaw best, the birds name was Neville. These birds are native to
central and eastern South America. It was a great place where lots of
birds were able to fly around freely. All the birds were friendly and
Kevin the bird was naughty, stealing the nuts that we had. In the
evening we went out for a pizza. |
Thursday 6th July
We had another fabulous day at the National Space Centre. Today we
learnt about the planets that make up our solar system. We had a go at
controlling a Mars Rover...but on Earth! We visited 'Orbiting' and
looked at Satelite Navigation. Then we saw some unusual space objects
and learnt some less well known stories about space. After lunch we
visited the show 'Astronaughts' in the planetarium which was very
interesting. Then at 'Tanquility Base' we enjoyed the interactive booth
where on completion we became trainee astronaughts on a lunar base! Jeff
enjoyed operating the space suit and Nick enjoyed the mining activity.
After our assessment we learnt that Nick and Jeff were to become mining
engineers and Kirstine was to become a medical Officer.....Space here we
come !! |
Friday 7th July
Today was our last day and we made our way home. We have all had a
fabulous holiday and learnt and seen so many interesting things about
Space. |
Kirstine's crew card from the Space Centre. |