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HomeMediaDiariesDisneyland Paris 2019
Disneyland Paris
Disneyland Paris
Holiday dates: 3rd to 7th June 2019.
Holidaying are: Rebecca, Andrew, Stephen, Jenny, Robert & Alan, along with Leanne & Jade.
Monday 3rd June

We met at the services and headed to France on the Euro Tunnel from Folkstone, which was very exciting as most of us had never been on it before! Once in France we had a 3 hour drive on a motorway through lovely countryside. We arrived at 'Davy Crocket Ranch' around 10pm and were all very tired but excited for the next day. We checked in, found our cabin, had a bite to eat and headed to bed.

Meeting Mini Mouse during the week
Mini Mouse
Disneyland Paris Tuesday 4th June

We woke up excited to visit Disneyland today. After some croissants, French bread and cereals we jumped on the bus and headed to the Park. Our first stop was the iconic Disney Castle where there was a dragon lurking in the dungeon. Then on to a ride on the carousel. Some of us went on the Tea Cup Ride and then we saw the Queen of Hearts and got some pictures and autographs. We then headed over to the Small World Ride which was amazing, lots of singing and characters from many different countries. After booking our time slots we were really excited to return and see Mini Mouse and Daffy Duck. We were able to get autographs and have our pictures taken with the characters.
Wednesday 5th June

After a continental breakfast we headed to the Disney Park. There was a chance to meet the Disney characters like Mickey Mouse and the Disney Princess Tiana and have our picture taken. In the morning some chose to go on the rides such as 'Thunder Mountain' and 'Thunder Mesa Riverboat'. Some relaxed with a drink while they waited for the group. After looking in the shops we had lunch with a Mexican theme. As it was raining we walked through Adventure Land without going on the rides. Then on to Fantasy Land and a little more shopping. We took the Peter Pan Ride which was really good. The last ride of the day was Dumbo's Circus Train. We had a great spot to see the parade go by, there was a great atmosphere and it was lots of fun! In the evening most of the group went back to the Park for the fireworks show. It had been a very full, fun packed day and everyone said how much they enjoyed it!
Disneyland Paris
Disneyland Paris Thursday 6th June

Another day visiting the Disneyland theme park and there is still so much to see and do. We had a chance to go on the rides and take the Studio Tour. We were able to see some more Disney characters such as Princess Jasmine from the 'Aladin' animated film. We also watched the parade with characters like 'Woody' from the 'Toy Story' film.
Friday 7th June

We made our way back to the Euro tunnel to travel in the afternoon from Calais to Folkstone and then on to our homes.

One of the Disney Parades
ride One of the many rides at Disney

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